Calendarium 2024

CALENDARIUM (important anniversaries) 2024

9/4/1624 Roman Catholic confession proclaimed as the only legal variant of Christianity in Moravia
29/4/1624 Roman Catholic confession proclaimed as the only legal variant of Christianity in Bohemia (in other lands of the Hapsburg Empire – e.g. Hungary or Silesia – there were also other Christian confessions tolerated even after 1624)
1534 first Bible edition in (Luther’s) German translation
1534 clergymen in mining towns in Central Slovakia approved the Augsburg confession (i.e. converted to Lutheranism)
27/5/1564 † John Calvin, Swiss reformer
7/6/1424 Battle at Malešov, Orebites won (led by John Žižka)
29/6/1374 Milíč of Kroměříž, preacher, Huss’ predecessor
11/10/1424 † John Žižka of Trocnov, Hussites’ general
26/11/1414 Eucharist in both kinds restored even for laymen in the St Martin’s Church in the Wall in Prague by Master Jakoubek of Stříbro


9/1/1974 † Jan Blahoslav Kozák, Protestant philosopher and theologian
11/1/1584 Mandate against the Unity of Brethren declared by Rudolph II


8/2/994 Mlada, abbess of the first women monastery St John at the Prague Castle (precise year unknown)
8/2/1934 † Ján Slávik, Slovak Protestant parson and Church historian, signer of the Martin Declaration (1918) and member of the Board of the Slovak Matica
9/2/1944 † František Žilka, theologian and translator of the New Testament
25/2/1634 general Albrecht von Wallenstein, murdered in Cheb
25/2/1924 † Mária Royová, Slovak composer and Diakonia worker in the Blue Cross institution


2/3/1624 † Johann Georg von Brandenburg, general of the Estates’ Army
2/3/1824 * Bedřich Smetana, music composer († 12/5/1884)
2/3/1894 * Ivan Dérer, Slovak lawyer, journalist, co-author and signer of the Martin Declaration, minister of the government of the Czechoslovak Republic
4/3/1654 the University of Prague merged with the Jesuit College into Charles-Ferdinand University and entrusted to Jesuits
6/3/1984 † Martin Niemöller, German Protestant theologian, opponent of Nazism, founder of the Confessing Church
7/3/1274 † St Thomas Aquinas, important medieval theologian


1/4/1694 * Samuel Hruškovic, Slovak parson and poet
9/4/1624 Roman Catholic confession proclaimed as the only legal variant of Christianity in Moravia
18/4/1874 * Alois Spisar, modernist theologian, priest of the CHC
22/4/1724 * Immanuel Kant, German philosopher
29/4/1624 Roman Catholic confession proclaimed as the only legal variant of Christianity in Bohemia
30/4/1344 the Bishopric of Prague promoted to archbishopric


4/5/1919 † Milan Rastislav Štefánik, politician, French Army general, co-founder of the Czechoslovakia
14/5/1854 * Josef Theodor Müller, historian of the Unity of Brethren
27/5/1564 † John Calvin, Swiss reformer
30/5/1434 Battle of Lipany, which opened the way to the end of Hussite Wars and to approval of the Compacts of Basel


7/6/1424 Battle at Malešov, Orebites won (led by John Žižka)
21/6/1621 the 27 Representatives of Czech Estates execution at the Old Town Square in Prague, incl. John Jessenius, physician and diplomat from Slovakia
24/6/1504 * Johannes Mathesius, Protestant priest worked in Joachimsthal, friend of Martin Luther
27/6/1944 † Milan Hodža, politician, historian, journalist, prime minister of the Czechoslovakia
29/6/1374 Milíč of Kroměříž, preacher, Huss’ predecessor
30/6/1364 Arnošt of Pardubice, first Archbishop of Prague


6/7/1415 † John Huss, reformer, burnt to death in Constance
14/7/1834 * Theodor Karl Hasse, Protestant theologian, politician
19/7/1374 † Francesco Petrarca, medieval Italian poet
28/7/1914 the beginning of the World War I August
12/8/1474 * Řehoř Krajčí, co-founder of the Unity of Brethren
17/8/1934 * František Šmahel, historian and college teacher
19/8/1619 after two years since election the Czech Estates dethroned the Czech King – emperor Ferdinand II
30/8/1924 first Assembly of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church finished


5/9/1439 Křišťan of Prachatice, priest, physician and astronomer, friend of John Huss
8/9/1924 † Rehor Uram Podtatranský, teacher, writer, historian, co-founder of the Tranoscius Publishing
11/9/1894 * Bohumír Cigánek, reformist priest, bishop of the CHC
12/9/1899 beginning of the trial with Leopold Hilsner, where also Thomas Garrigue Masaryk was engaged
15/9/1564 * Karel Older of Zierotin, Moravian politician, protector of the Unity of Brethren


11/10/1424 † John Žižka of Trocnov, Hussites’ general
24/10/1624 † Abraham Scultetus, Reformed theologian at the court of the “Winter King” Fridrich the Palatinate (performed non-tolerant “purification” of the decoration in the St Vitus, Adalbert and Wenceslaus Cathedral in Prague)
27/10/2004 † Vladimír Sakař, archaeologist and historian, the first Moderator of VERITAS
31/10/1517 World Day of the Reformation (this day Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis on the church door at Wittenberg)


3/11/1918 Virgin Mary Column at Old Town Square in Prague – political symbol of Habsburg’s absolutism – demolished
17/11/1624 † Jakob Böhme, German mystic and philosopher
19/11/1449 Kunigunde of Sternberg, first spouse of the Czech King George of Poděbrady
26/11/1414 Eucharist in both kinds restored even for laymen in the St Martin’s Church in the Wall in Prague by Master Jakoubek of Stříbro


2/12/1974 † Hana Benešová, spouse of the Czech president E. Beneš
24/12/1919 Midnight Mass served first time in Czech – the beginning of the activities leading to the Czechoslovak (Hussite) Church establishment
25/12/1624 † Angelus Silesius, Silesian poet and mystic, who wrote in German
31/12/1384 † John Wycliff, Oxford theologian, whose writings influenced John Huss and also other Hussite reformers

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