- The Church in the Changes of the Time 1969–1999
- The Protestants about Jan Sarkander — Magazine to the New Catholic Saint's Canonization
- The PROTESTANTS in the Early Toleration Time in Bohemia and Moravia
- Jan Fiala: The Horrible Times of the Counter-Reformation
- Jan Fiala: The Dark, Koniáš's Epoch
- Eva Melmuková: The Patent Called the Toleration
- Eva Melmuková-Šašecí — Wilhelm Stritar: The Evangelic Southern Bohemia and Southern Moravia
- Amedeo Molnár: On the Edge of the Ages
- Jiří Otter: Around Prague Tracking Czech Reformation
- To Understand to the History (The Development of Czech-German Relations in Czech Territory in 1848–1948)
- Čestmír Rychetský: Tourist Guidebook Around the Chrudim Seniorat
- Kristoslav Řičař: Civic Genealogy — the Fundaments of the Genealogy Research
- Vladimír Sakař: Jan Žižka, Our Faithful Brother
- Vladimír Sakař and Co.: Tracking the Hussites in Moravia and Silesia
- Edita Štěříková: The Process of the Life of Czech Exiles in Berlin in 18th Century
- Edita Štěříková: Exiles' Asylum in Lusatia and Saxony
- Edita Štěříková: Exile Preacher
- Edita Štěříková: Invited to Silesia
- Edita Štěříková: Shortly about Exiles of the post-White-Mountain Period
- Edita Štěříková: Zelów (Czech Exile Community in Poland) reprint — again obtainable
- Edita Štěříková: The Fatherland
- Edita Štěříková: From the Need of the Redemption (Czech Exile in 18th Century to Prussian Silesia)
- The Rupture in the Curtain (or the Church Contacts of Dutch and Czech Protestants in 1959–1989)
The publications that VERITAS recommends not only to its members
The Church in the Changes of the Time 1969–1999

- a magazine about the life of the Evangelic Church of Czech Brethren;
- it reassumes the first book of the same title that covers years 1918 till 1968;
- at the beginning there are important items about different topics of the life and work of the Church;
- the second part is focused on the information about happening in concrete congregations;
- the third contains the list of preachers and Church employees in this period;
- added a map of congregations, scheme of the development of the Protestant Churches in Czech Republic, personal index and many pertinent illustrations
Bibliographic data:
Brož, Miroslav (ed.): Církev v proměnách času 1969–1999, published by KALICH, Prague 2002, 416 p.
ISBN 80-7017-697-0
- available only in Czech
- to order on-line in Kalich Publishers:
Nakladatelství a knihkupectví Kalich
Jungmannova 9, 101 78 Praha 1, Czechia, Europe
☎ +420 224 947 505, fax +420 224 947 504
The Protestants about Jan Sarkander — Magazine to the New Catholic Saint's Canonization

- a magazine summarizing the views of Czech protestants to Jan Sarkander before his canonization in 1995;
- the magazine contains letters of the Evangelic Preachers' Association to pope John Paul II, Ludmila Plechačová's correspondence with archbishopric in Olomouc, letter of Synodial Senior of the Evangelic Church of Czech Brethren Pavel Smetana to archbishop Vaňák and to pope John Paul II, studies of the prestigious historians to Jan Sarkander's canonization (ThDr. Bedřich B. Bašus, PhDr. Josef Gebauer, PhDr. Noemi Rejchrtová), sample of the discussion about the canonization in periodicals and study by Jan Dus: The Canonization and the Sense of Czech History; at the end there is the letter of protestants to the Central Office of the Communistic Party of Czechoslovakia from June 2, 1988, requesting the reclamation of the results of the persecution of the Roman-Catholic Church in 1948–1988 that was much more extensive and harder for Catholics, than for protestants;
- the introduction and epilogue was written by ThDr. Pavel Keřkovský, who edited the magazine as well
Bibliographic data:
Keřkovský, Pavel (ed.): Evangelíci o Janu Sarkandrovi — Sborník ke kanonizaci nového katolického světce, published by EMAN, SPEK's Library (volume 2), Heršpice 1995, 178 p.
ISBN 80-900696-9-X
- available only in Czech
- to order on-line
The PROTESTANTS in the Early Toleration Time in Bohemia and Moravia

- a magazine of the collective compendium of recently learned facts about the continuance of the time early after the Patent of the Toleration was issued, with broad consequences of the historical development of Czech Reformation since 15th century to the beginning of 20th century;
- the magazine is made only from archived materials;
- the magazine is divided into these parts: I The Continuance of the Early Toleration Time in Czech Lands (analysis of the early Toleration time, observed not only Czech but also German Toleration congregations in Czech Lands and in the part of Silesia that lies now in the Czech Republic); II The Historical Consequences (impulses that the knowledge of the early Toleration time through them influences the research and evaluation of facts in the antecedent and consequent epochs); III The Enhanced Views (set of fractional problems and remarks, local curiosities);
- additionally a rich cartographic appendix
About the Authors:
edited by the authors of the Commission for the Toleration Applications of the Advisory Board for the Historical Study of the Synodical Council of the Evangelic Church of Czech Brethren
Bibliographic data:
EVANGELÍCI v rané toleranční době v Čechách a na Moravě, published by křesťanské nakladatelství Oliva, Prague 1995 (vol. 1–4, 7–8), 1996 (vol. 5–6), 8 volumes and a cartographic appendix in vol. 1 and especially vol. 4, in sum 423 p.
ISBN 80-85942-10-0 (vol. 1)
ISBN 80-85942-11-9 (vol. 2)
ISBN 80-85942-14-3 (vol. 3)
ISBN 80-85942-15-1 (vol. 4)
ISBN 80-85942-16-X (vol. 5)
ISBN 80-85942-17-8 (vol. 6)
ISBN 80-85942-18-6 (vol. 7)
ISBN 80-85942-19-4 (vol. 8)
- available only in Czech
- the magazine has been sold out, but the second edition (together in one volume) is currently prepared for publishing
Jan Fiala: The Horrible Times of the Counter-Reformation

- a study about different aspects of the counter-reformation of Czech Lands in 17th century, including the well-known and the less-known sources as well;
“What was the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation in Czech history? Brought Czech Reformation and the cultural and political movement connected with it any specific worth? What was the counter-reformation violence of the 17th century? Is the thesis about the epoch after the Battle of the White Mountain as the epoch of the political and cultural degeneracy only a historical cliché as is now often stated?
The author solves the answers to these and also other questions in this book. He works up within it the up to date sources, compensates the monographs of the historians of different confessions and ideological focus and does not pass over current journalistic discussion.”
(the back cover of the publication);
- the next author's monograph “The Dark, Koniáš's Epoch” reassumes this book
About the Author:
PhDr. Jan Fiala, CSc. (* 1929), science worker of the Military Historical Institute (1959–1970), special interest — the latest history of the Czechoslovak Army; in 1970's dismissed, a member of VERITAS, the object of his special interest is also the history of Czech Reformation; published special monographs: The Rumburk Revolt (1953), The Advisers or Dominators? The Task of the Soviet Advisers upon the Preparation of the Political Causes in Czechoslovakia (1990), A Report about the Action B (1994), The Dark, Koniáš's Epoch (2001)
Bibliographic data:
Fiala, Jan: Hrozné doby protireformace, published by EMAN, Heršpice 1997, 170 p., graphic appendix.
ISBN 80-901854-7-9
- available only in Czech
- to order on-line in EMAN Publisher:
Nakladatelství EMAN,
Husova 656, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia, Europe
☎ +420 317 722 215,
Jan Fiala: The Dark, Koniáš's Epoch

- a study about different aspects of the counter-reformation of Czech Lands in 18th century, including the well-known and the less-known sources as well;
“Where can we see the lights and the shadows of Czech history in the first half of 18th century? What is typical for the activity of the famous Jesuit Antonín Koniáš? What did those do, who had not reconciled to the recatholization, what role did the evangelic exile and its production of books play? How did this historical period evaluate personalities of the on-coming Enlightenment and National Regeneration? Is the signification “Dark” only a belletristic fiction? Where do these, who want this epoch and its protagonists to now let in other light, come from?
To the discussion with these questions there enters the book The Dark, Koniáš's Epoch. It is not quite a special publication, the author tried to conceive the problems in an accessible way to all, who are interested in the discussion about the dark.”
(from the back cover of the publication);
- This book freely follows the author's previous book “The Horrible Times of the Counter-Reformation”.
About the Author:
PhDr. Jan Fiala, CSc. (* 1929), science worker of the Military Historical Institute (1959–1970), special interest — the latest history of the Czechoslovak Army; in 1970's dismissed, a member of VERITAS, the object of his special interest is also the history of Czech Reformation; published special monographs: The Rumburk Revolt (1953), The Advisers or Dominators? The Task of the Soviet Advisers upon the Preparation of the Political Causes in Czechoslovakia (1990), A Report about the Action B (1994), The Horrible Times of the Counter-Reformation (1997)
Bibliographic data:
Fiala, Jan: Temno, doba Koniášova, published by EMAN, Heršpice 2001, 324 p., graphic appendix.
ISBN 80-86211-20-7
- available only in Czech
- to order on-line in EMAN Publisher:
Nakladatelství EMAN,
Husova 656, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia, Europe
☎ +420 317 722 215,
Eva Melmuková: The Patent Called the Toleration

- a monograph answers different questions related to the time closely before the issue of the Patent of the Toleration (1781), the Patent of the Toleration as such and the time closely, the publication describes and, with concrete examples, documents the spreading of information about the issued Patent of the Toleration, the problems with the applying of the Protestants and the situation in established evangelical congregations;
- the last two chapters are the portraits of two important people from the end of the epoch of Toleration: the first is focused on František Palacký (“the Father of the Nation”), the second on the evangelical preacher Bedřich Vilém Košut;
- additionally maps of orientation, reproductions of the historical sources and coloured graphic appendix
About the Author:
doc. PhDr. Eva Melmuková (* 1932), graduated from the Comenius Evangelic Faculty of Theology and the ethnography on the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University in Prague, additionally the Science of Archiving as well; she was allowed to work only seldom in the branch of her qualification, she was a college lecturer until 1990; she worked in a museum, has made research in the regional history of the southern part of the Czech-Moravia Highlands and in ethnography, especially in folk architecture, special interest — the history of the second half of 18th century; co-author of the guide-book The Evangelic Southern Bohemia and Southern Moravia (1992), co-editor of the publication The Protestants in the Early Toleration Time in Bohemia and Moravia (1995), other publications: The Meeting after Two Centuries (1983), Echoes of the 1950's and 1960's — Poetry (1991)
Bibliographic data:
Melmuková, Eva: Patent zvaný toleranční, published by Mladá fronta in the edition Kolumbus, volume 143, Prague 1999, 240 p., graphic appendix 8 pages.
ISBN 80-204-0741-3
— available only in Czech
Eva Melmuková-Šašecí — Wilhelm Stritar: The Evangelic Southern Bohemia and Southern Moravia

- a guidebook focusing on the monuments that common guidebooks usually overlook, with a focus on the evangelic past of Bohemia and Moravia and monuments of Czech Reformation, in sum 54 described places;
- additionally 23 images, 3 maps of orientation and a catalogue of addresses of congregations;
- Czech-German design
About the Authors:
- doc. PhDr. Eva Melmuková (* 1932), graduated from the Comenius Evangelic Faculty of Theology and the ethnography on the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University in Prague, additionally the Science of Archiving as well; she was allowed to work only seldom in the branch of her qualification, she was a college lecturer until 1990; she worked in a museum, has made research in the regional history of the southern part of the Czech-Moravia Highlands and in ethnography, especially in the folk architecture, special interest — the history of the second half of 18th century; co-author of the guide-book The Evangelic Southern Bohemia and Southern Moravia (1992), co-editor of the publication The Protestants in the Early Toleration Time in Bohemia and Moravia (1995), author of the monograph The Patent Called the Toleration (1999), other publications: The Meeting after Two Centuries (1983), Echoes of the 1950's and 1960's — Poetry (1991)
- Mag. Wilhelm Stritar († 1997), Austrian evangelic preacher and historian, he wrote some monographs generally focussed on the history of Protestantism in Lower Austria: Festschrift zur Weiheder evang. Heilandskirche in Scheibbs (1969), Evangelischen Gemeinden in Niederösterreich (1981), Kleiner Führer durch die Ausstellung “Evangelische in Niederösterreich” in der ev. Schule und in der evang. Kirche in Mitterbach am Erhaufsee vom 17. Mai bis 31. Oktober 1981, Kirchen und Völker im Östlichen Europa (1991/1992), Auf evangelischen Spuren im Ostarrichiland (1996)
Bibliographic data:
Melmuková, E. — Stritar, W.: Evangelické jižní Čechy a jižní Morava, published by KALICH, Prague 1992, 52 p.
ISBN 80-7072-998-8
- obtainable at the address of the Society VERITAS
- available only in Czech-German design
- price 30 CZK
- you can obtain more exemplars as well
Amedeo Molnár: On the Edge of the Ages

The book describes the cultural and religious fight that happened in 15th and 16th century in Europe. Brilliant literary portraits of John Huss, Jean Calvin, Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli and the Unity of Brethren accent also the aspects that are usually omitted: “The movement and conflicts of these men that differently partook in the origin and the social exert of the great re-evaluation of the traditional asset of Christianity to the history of manhood seem to be more interesting, more suggestive and more important than sometimes their monumentalised pictures without risk and life.” (A. Molnár).
Professor Noemi Rejchrtová newly rearranged the book and added the prefix, too.
About the Author:
Prof. ThDr. Amedeo Molnár, Dr. Théol., Dr. h. c., (* 1923, † 1990), worldwide famous historian, polymath of the classical intelligence, expert in patristics, medieval heresy, Czech and European Reformation. He worked at the Comenius Evangelic Faculty of Theology in Prague and at the Institute of Czech Language and Literature of Czechoslovak Academy of Science.
Bibliographic data:
Molnár, Amedeo: Na rozhraní věků. Cesty reformace, published by Vyšehrad, Prague 1985, 440 p. (1st edition)
Molnár, Amedeo: Na rozhraní věků. Cesty reformace, published by KALICH, Prague 2007, 416 p. (2nd edition)
ISBN 978-80-7017-076 (2nd edition)
- available only in Czech
- 2nd edition to order on-line in Kalich Publisher:
Nakladatelství a knihkupectví Kalich
Jungmannova 9, 101 78 Praha 1
☎ +420 224 947 505, fax +420 224 947 504
Jiří Otter: Around Prague Tracking Czech Reformation

- a thematic guide-book around Prague focused specifically on monuments and personalities from Czech Reformation connected with them, the author draws from his own rich experience as a guide;
- additionally a map of orientation, alphabetic index of more than 100 described places and 175 mentioned personalities and an abstract of the most important data from the epoch of Reformation and further Czech history;
- published in German as well
About the Author:
ThDr. Jiří Otter (* 1929), proceeded the modern and classical philology on the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University in Prague, extramural study of the Hussite Evangelic Faculty of Theology; parson of the Evangelic Church of Czech Brethren; lecturer, translator; published special monographs: The Evangelic Church of Czech Brethren (1968 and 1985), The Witness of Czech Protestantism (1970 and 1985), The Ecumenical Dimension of Czech Confession from 1575 (1975), The Letter to the Angels — Awards to the Champions (1993), The Apanage of Czech-German Neighbourhood (1994), Czech in German Embrace (1996), The First United Church in Central Europe (1991), Durch Prag auf den Spuren der Böhmischen Reformation (2000), The German-Czech Together (1998), The Czechs and Germans — Also Together, Chapters of the Light Pages of the Common History (1999)
Bibliographic data:
Otter, Jiří: Pět okruhů Prahou po stopách české reformace, published by KALICH, Prague 2001, 143 p.
ISBN 80-7017-541-9
ISBN 80-7017-445-5 (German edition)
ISBN 80-7017-034-4 (English edition)
- available in Czech, English and German
- to order on-line in Kalich Publisher:
Nakladatelství a knihkupectví Kalich
Jungmannova 9, 101 78 Praha 1, Czechia, Europe
☎ +420 224 947 505, fax +420 224 947 504
To Understand to the History (The Development of Czech-German Relations in Czech Territory in 1848–1948)

- the text of this book To Understand to the History originated from the informative material for teachers;
- it is focussed on the often mentioned topics: Displacement — Vertreibung, Transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia 1945–1947, etc.;
- it is a conscientiously found and processed and also in a reserved way interpreted file of documents that explain facts which are often discussed incorrectly, externally and with a distortion;
- written by the team of authors, chief Czech historians: Zdeněk Beneš, Drahomír Jančík, Jan Kuklík ml., Eduard Kubů, Václav Kural, Robert Kvaček, Václav Pavlíček, Jiří Pešek, René Petráš, Zdeněk Radvanovský a Radovan Suchánek.
Bibliographic data:
Rozumět dějinám (Vývoj česko-německých vztahů na našem území v letech 1848–1948), published by Gallery Ltd. for Ministry of Culture of Czech Republic, Pardubice 2002, 304 p.
ISBN 80-86010-55-4
- available only in Czech
- unsaleable (to obtain only in libraries)
Follow Other Recommended Publications — Part 2.